NTSE Preparation – NTSE exam is going to held on 5th November 2017 and we hope you all are fully prepared for the exam. As all of us are aware, NTSE is an objective exam i.e. you don’t have to write the answers like in your exams at school but you have to choose a right answer out of the provided options. Due to this, exams like NTSE have a much larger number of questions to solve in the same time say 90 questions in 3 hrs than solving 30 questions in 3 hours in board exams. Due to this, solving quickly and effectively is the key to gain an edge in such exams. Today, Avanti brings you 5 tips to increase your speed and efficiency in the NTSE exam and any other objectve type exam in general.
Elimination trick for MCQ
It is very very essential to read the question carefully along with all the options. The difficulty of the questions depends on the options as well.Eliminating options is a wonderful hack to solve MCQs. This will save time and will increase your efficiency.
Let’s take a look at one such example where option elimination works like a charm.
Read the question carefully:
If you look at the options carefully, you will see that we can easily eliminate Options 1 and 2 as 1 is not a prime number. Then, you will notice that you just need to find the value of M as A and T are the same in Options 3 and 4
Approximations and Substitutions for MCQs
Approximations and substitutions help us arrive to the correct answer quickly. Rather than calculating exact values of answers, it saves a lot of time by approximating the values. The NTSE guys aren’t going to check your rough work paper but going to check if your final answer is correct or not.
Here is one such example, where you can approximate and guess the right answer.
In this question, since there is comparison is between two cylinders, therefore, options with pie can never be your answer (they would get cancelled while comparing). Secondly, between (1) and (3) a smart student would choose option (3) because the level of change in height can be nullified by only a good amount of change in radius, which is not the case with (1).
Similarly in the above question, you substitute the values and check which one of them satisfies the condition.
Time Management for NTSE preparation
As the saying goes TIME, TIDE and NTSE wait for no man, let us look at some effective time management tactics for the final day
In the entire paper you have less than 1 minute per question. If you think a problem will take you more time, it is advisable to leave it and go ahead. Once you have pocketed the easy questions, you may attack the tough questions.Do not waste time on questions you have no clue about.
For the MAT section, you can solve questions in 5 groups of 10 each rather than attempting random questions.(Each group should be solved in 8-9 minutes)
For the SAT section, you can start with the Social Science Section, then do the Science part and then the Maths parts
Make sure to mark the OMR correctly
How to fill your OMR?
Use a ball pen with a thick tip with a free-flow of ink. Avoid marking errors as erasing is not an option in OMR and circling 2 options will make the answer invalid. A good strategy will be to simultaneously bubble the OMR sheet as you solve the question so that you do not panic in the end.
Last Minute Preparation
- Revise all the basic Maths and Science formulae.
- Manually solve one full length NTSE previous year of your state question paper under time limits
- Revise all the squares and cubes
Be confident and stay calm victory will be yours!
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