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How to score 300 in JEE Main by doing JEE Main Paper Analysis?

How to score 300 in JEE Main – There are a lot of tips suggested by students and experts on how to maximise your marks in JEE Main. First and foremost thing suggested by every expert is to solve practice tests. The question which arises in minds of lots of students is – What to do once you give a practice test? Most of the students just check their marks and move on with their syllabus or move onto the next test.

What most people fail to realize is that analyzing the test is a very important part of the preparation and can help you increase your score in the final exam. After a test, you should ask yourself:

  1. What concepts am I weak at?
  2. Where did I waste a lot of time?
  3. What mistakes did I make during the exam in spite of knowing the concept well?

We’ll discuss each one of these in detail along with the best method with which you can analyze your test.

How to score 300 in JEE Main – With Thorough Paper Analysis

How to do test analysis is one problem that every student faces. You have to be very smart and systematic in your test analysis. It can help you improve your test score significantly. We’ll tell you how:

  • Open an excel sheet before you start your paper analysis.
  • Write down all the incorrect questions.
  • Mark the questions which you answered correctly by fluke.
  • Now against each wrong question, write down the name of the chapter where the particular question is from.
  • In another column, categorize each mistake in one of the following criteria:
    • Silly Mistake – Which includes not reading the question carefully, marking the wrong answer and everything else that you attribute to silly.
    • Concept Gap – Questions which you couldn’t solve because of lack of conceptual clarity or you forgot the formula.
    • Time – Questions which you could not attempt because of time shortage.

Let’s take an example of Physics:

How to score 300 in jee main

How to analyze the sheet?

Once you are done with the complete sheet, as shown above, its time to analyze your mistakes and improve upon them.

  • Count the number of silly mistakes: These are ones which require your immediate attention. 
    • Calculate what % of your mistakes come under criteria of silly.
    • Write down these mistakes and what was silly about them, in a notebook.
    • Most of the students improve their score by 15-20 %  if they just avoid silly mistakes. The improvement of 10% can give your rank a jump of at least 1000 in the final exam. So that’s one thing you don’t want to do in your final exam is losing marks because of your silly mistakes.
  • Questions for which you didn’t have time: Once, you are done with your silly mistakes, look at problems which you couldn’t solve due to lack of time. List down the chapters to which these problems belong. These are basically the chapters on which you need to practice more, so as to be able to solve the questions in the stipulated time. Also, this helps you determine whether this question was worth the effort or not. As every question has the same weightage in the exam, attempting the easier questions and maximising your score is the best strategy for the exam.
  • Questions with conceptual gap: These are the kind of questions which you wrongly attempted or couldn’t attempt due to lack of conceptual clarity. Now it’s a judgment call you have to take here:
    • Check how relevant the question is and how frequently are such questions asked. You can check that using our JEE Prep Plan tool.
    • Also, check how much time you have in your hands to prepare the same.

Accounting for these two factors, you have to choose how much time you want to spend in brushing that chapter again. For eg., if the chapter is Unit and Dimensions, it is advised to revise it because it’s a small chapter which could be revised quickly and generally very simple questions are asked from this chapter. But if the chapter is Rotational Dynamics and you have less than 2 months for your preparation, you should leave it as very tough questions are asked from this chapter and even the students who understand the chapter in and out are sometimes not able to solve problems from this chapter.

  • Check the solutions: Check the solutions for all the questions. This helps you find a better or a faster way to solve any problem in the exam which gives you an edge over your peers.
  • Revise your Concepts: The concepts that you find worth the effort (from point 3) should be revised before the next test.

Follow these steps continuously after every test and this is how to score 300 in JEE Main

Get your Analysis Instantly – Avanti Test Series

After every test you give on our platform, we generate the complete analysis report of the test which includes:

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  1. Compare your subject-wise marks with the national average
  2. Compare your marks against the cut off of various engineering colleges
  3. Check your attempt accuracy according to the difficulty level

Also, a detailed question wise analysis (same as discussed above) is also generated for a well guided preparation.

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