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CBSE has launched official Sample papers and Marking scheme for 2017-2018 board exam. Visit the link to know more: http://cbseacademic.in/SQP_CLASSX_2017_18.html
We are sure that all of you are aware that CBSE has changed its 10th board exam pattern. As, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) announced in December of 2016 that the board exam will be compulsory in all its schools, from 2018, doing away with a policy formed five years ago that offered a choice to students to opt for the board-conducted finals or let the institution assess their performance. For all of you who are right now in class 10, here are 5 things you need to know about the new CBSE Science exam pattern 2018. In future posts we will also cover important instructions for other subjects. So here you go:
1. The Final Exam is Now a Full Syllabus Test
Unlike previous years, your full syllabus will be tested. All the Science chapters given in the NCERT are important and will be covered in the exam.
2. Most Important Chapters
Obviously, some chapters are more important. Here is the list of chapters which carry more weightage than others. Make sure you focus on them.
- Metals and Non-metals
- Carbon and its compounds
- Life processes
- How do organisms reproduce
- Light – Reflection and Refraction
- Electricity
Full chapterwise marks distribution.
Unit no | Unit | Chapters included | Marks |
1 | Chemical Substances | Chemical Reactions and Equations | 25 |
Acids, Bases and Salts | |||
Metals and Non-metals | |||
Carbon and its Compounds | |||
Periodic classification of elements | |||
2 | World of Living | Life processes | 23 |
Control and coordination | |||
How do organisms reproduce? | |||
Heredity and Evolution | |||
3 | Natural Phenomena | Light -Reflection and Refraction | 12 |
Human Eye and the colourful world | |||
4 | Effects of Current | Electricity | 13 |
Magnetic effects of electric current | |||
5 | Natural Resources | Sources of Energy | 7 |
Our environment | |||
Management of natural resources |
From 2008 – 2010 the board exam pattern was same as one proposed by CBSE for year 2018.
3. Internal assessment
Your school internal assessment is 20% of your final score. So make sure that you focus on your lab work, notebook submission and periodical unit tests during the year.
4. All the questions asked in the practical section of the board paper will be subjective.
The board has discontinued MCQs. You should expect practical questions to be something like these. Make sure you practice all of the previous year’s questions. You can find more previous year papers here.
कोई छात्र यीस्ट में होने वाले अलैंगिक जनन के लिए विभिन्न चरणों को क्रमवार दर्शाने वाली स्थायी स्लाइड का प्रेक्षण कर रहा है. इस प्रक्रिया का नाम लिखिए. जो कुछ वह प्रेक्षण करता है. उसे उचित क्रम में, आरेख खींच कर दर्शाइए.
A Student is observed a permanent slide showing sequentially the different stages of asexual reproduction taking place in yeast. Name this process and draw diagrams, of what he observes, in a proper sequence.
5. More Choice
You will have more choice in 3 and 5 mark questions
This year the board has introduced choice on two 3-mark questions and one 5-mark question – that’s 11 mark in total.
This is good news and you can score 100% on this section if you are precise in your answers, include and underline the keywords, and maintain a neat handwriting. While solving a numerical, make sure to copy all values from the question paper correctly.
To do well on boards, practice previous year papers. You can download all the past year papers from 2008 – 2017 from here.
Here is our video on Science Board exam pattern. This is the first in series of our CBSE Board exam pattern videos and post. We will cover other subjects and every single chapter in future posts and videos. Please subscribe to get regular updates on CBSE Board 2018.
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