National Standard Examination, conducted by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) is the first step for the International Olympiads. On qualifying this level, you will be eligible for the next level i.e Indian National Olympiads for the respective subjects. This exam is conducted every year and more 40,000 students over 1200 schools participate in this examination. The exam is conducted in the month of November.

National Standard Examination
You can get in touch with your school Headmaster to check whether your school is a NSE centre. If, yes then you can directly pay the fees and your school would be given the required guidance pertaining to the NSE.
If your school/college is not a registered centre, then you could visit the website: The website would display the details of the registered centre for last year. This might help you to locate the nearest centre you and enrolling your name at the centre by paying the required fee.
- Fee: Rs.100 per student
- The fees are payable to the centre in-charge of the centre where you have enrolled your name. No direct remittance to IAPT is permissible.
- No TA/ DA is admissible for NSE (Stage I Examination).
The following is the eligibility criterion for the NSE.
- Must be an Indian citizen.
- Date of birth between 1 July 1998 and 30 June 2003, both days inclusive.
- Must not have completed (or scheduled to complete) class 12 board examination earlier than 30 November 2017.
- Must not have commenced (or planning to commence) studies in a university or equivalent institution by 1 June, 2018.
- Must not be appearing in NSEJS 2017.
Important Dates (Tentative)
Examination | Tentative Date |
NSE Junior Science (NSEJS) | 3rd week of November |
NSEJS will be held one week before other NSEs and only in Kendriya Vidyalayas. Students can still enrol in their school itself | |
NSEP | 4th week of November |
NSEC | 4th week of November |
NSEB | 4th week of November |
NSEA | 4th week of November |

It is broadly equivalent to senior secondary level (up to and including Class XII) of CBSE. However, only basic guideline for the course is mentioned. No detailed syllabus is given for NSEP.
NSE Paper Pattern
1. Physics
Part A1: 60 Questions with only one correct alternative for 3 marks each. There is a negative marking of 1 mark for a wrong answer.
Part A2: 10 Questions each for 6 marks with multiple correct alternative. No negative marking in this section.
2. Chemistry and Biology
80 Multiple Choice questions, each for 3 marks. There is a negative marking of 1 mark for a wrong answer.
3. Astronomy
80 Multiple Choice questions, each for 3 marks. There is a negative marking of 1 mark for a wrong answer.These questions will be mostly in Physics, Maths and about 20% in Basic Astronomy.
4. Junior Science
80 Multiple Choice questions, each for 3 marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Mathematics. There is a negative marking of 1 mark for a wrong answer.
The total marks would be 240 for every subject.
NSE Rewards

On qualifying the NSE you will be eligible for the next round i.e the Indian National Olympiad (INO) which is a step further for the International Olympiad.
- Certificates will be given to top 10%students of each centre.
- Merit Certificates will be given to top 1% students in each subject.
- Top 35 students will receive gold medals.
NSE Previous Year’s Papers
Subjects | Question Paper | Answer Key |
NSEP | NSEP-Question-Paper | NSEP-Answer-Key |
NSEC | NSEC-Question-Paper | NSEC-Answer-Key |
NSEB | NSEB-Question-Paper | NSEB-Answer-Key |
NSEA | NSEA-Question-Paper | NSEA-Answer-Key |
NSEJS | NSEJS-Question-Paper | NSEJS-Answer-Key |
Click here, to find the more NSE previous year’s papers for all subjects.
You can buy previous year’s papers by paying Rs. 100 (Cheque/DD) in favor of IAPT payable at Kanpur.
Indian Association of Physics Teachers,
L-117/302,Naveen Nagar,