International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) is held annually to identify and encourage the mathematical creativity of the students in India and abroad. The 11th IMO would be held online. The candidates must report to the centres allotted to them and appear for the exam on the computer allotted to them. The applications for IMO must reach before 31st August 2017.

Important dates for IMO 2017
Exam Name | Exam date 1 | Exam date 2 |
11th IMO Level 1 | 5th December 2017 | 14th December 2017 |
11th IMO Level 2 | – | – |
Registration of Students
Students from std. 1 to 12 can participate in the IMO. Schools registered with the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) will receive a prospectus. As for the schools which are not registered with the SOF, can make a request for the prospectus by sending an e-mail to To participate schools must return the registration forms to the SOF, duly filled in all respects before the due date.
Roll Numbers
The school’s coordinating teacher will generate Roll Numbers for the students as per the given guidelines. A copy of the roll numbers along with the Students’ Registration Sheet (SRS) and School Registration Form (SRF) should be sent to the SOF’s office before the due date. Thereafter the SOF will register the applicant school and its students and dispatch question papers and guidelines for conducting the examination.
The IMO Level 1 is conducted on two dates. Each school may select a date for conducting the IMO as per its convenience. Each date of exam has a separate question paper. Change of date for conducting the IMO is not permitted.
Students must register through their respective schools only. Individual registrations by students will be not accepted.
A nominal fee for participation is charged for each student. Part of which is retained by the school for conducting as exam centre. Details regarding the fee/ mode of payment etc. are available in the School Registration Forms sent to schools.
Exam pattern (for level 1 and level 2)
Level 1: The first level of the test is conducted in the respective schools of the candidates during the school hours.
- The IMO level 1 is an objective-type test of 60 minutes duration comprising 35 objective-type (Multiple Choice questions) for class 1 to class 4 and 50 objective-type (Multiple Choice questions) for class 5 to class 12.
- The question paper will consist of four sections:
- Section 1: Logical Reasoning
- Section 2: Mathematical Reasoning
- Section 3: Everyday Mathematics
- Section 4: Achievers Section
- There are separate question papers for each class.
- The test would be conducted in English.
- CBSE, ICSE/ISC and State Board syllabi are followed for the paper setting.
Level 2: The level 2 is conducted for students of class 3 to class 12. The qualifiers to the second round would include the following:
- Top 5% of students class-wise who appear for the 1st level of the examination.
- State-wise and zone-wise top 25 rank-holders.
- Class topper where at least 10 students from a class appear for the exam & scores 50% qualifying marks. In case of section wise registration, students with highest marks irrespective of the section will qualify for the level 2.
Any clarification regarding rules, format/pattern of the paper, etc., may be sought from SOF through phone-call/fax – 0124-4951200 or email at
Frequently Asked Questions
Answer – Participants of Olympiads are ranked on the basis of marks obtained. Hence, after taking the first level of the test, students can judge themselves academically at four different levels – within the school, at city level, at zonal level and above all at International level.
Each student is provided a Student Performance Report (SPR). The SPR analyses the strong and weak areas of the student and also gives a detailed performance comparison of the student vis-à-vis other students at the school, state and International level. Analysis of the student’s past 8 years’ performance is also provided.
Answer – Students of classes 1 to 12th are eligible to appear for the 1st level Olympiads. There is no other eligibility criterion like minimum marks. Students from classes 1 and 2 are not required to appear for the 2nd level exam and are ranked based on their performance in the first level exam.
Answer – All the relevant information is sent to the schools registered with us across countries, along with prospectus, registration forms, posters and other details before the first round of exams and then as the date and venue of the second level is decided, the information is sent to the relevant schools again. The students come to know about the necessary details from their school teachers or through the SOF official website or through the SOF facebook page
Answer – Sent an e-mail to SOF with the name, e-mail ID, complete address of your school along with name and contact details of the Principal. It will send detailed information and registration forms to your School so that your Principal / Olympiad Teacher-in-charge can register your names for the exam.
Answer – SOF does not encourage individual participation. Students have to register through their schools only.
Answer – Certainly, this will give you an opportunity to improve your previous rankings, and if you are successful in doing so, you will again be eligible for certificates and prizes.
Answer – You can request your school authority to send your relevant details and fee immediately to the SOF. SOD will accept it if it reaches us before the last date of registration (usually 30 days before the exam).
Answer – Results of Olympiads are declared within 8 weeks of the examination. The results are sent to the schools concerned. The results are also made available on our website.
Answer – Although conducted by the same Foundation, NCO, IMO, NSO, IEO, ICSO & IGKO are completely different competitions. Students can register for all the 6 Olympiads in a year.
Answer – As soon as the date and venue of the presentation ceremony is released, the information is sent to the schools concerned and the dates are also shared on SOF’s website or on the facebook page
Answer – Please request your Principal / Mathematics Teacher to inform us about the non-receipt of the above. We will send duplicate copies to your school as soon as we hear from them.
Answer – Yes
Answer:– The syllabus of the Olympiads is the syllabus as prescribed by the CBSE, ICSE and various state boards. If you sit for the second level and have moved onto the next class, the syllabus will remain the same (i.e. of the previous class
Answer:- In general, NCERT books/course books prescribed by the CBSE/ICSE/STATE BOARDS may be referred to for the preparation. We also have following books/materials for Olympiad preparation:
- MTG Class wise Workbooks (For Class 1 to 12)
- SOF Olympiad Trainer’ Mobile Apps
- OSDS (Olympiad Skill Development System)
- Previous Years’ Papers
- Olympiads’ Books of Reasoning (for preparation for the reasoning section of Olympiads)
- The 100 Percent Real Test Papers
- E-Quiz
Additionally, class XI and XII students can refer to the various publications like Chemistry Today, Biology Today, Mathematics Today and Physics For You and MTG books which contain useful matter including solved and model test papers of various National and International Olympiads.